I'm trying to make a BCM50 talk to an ipLDK60, and vice versa, using SIP trunks, however, this has been possible to be accomplished only in one direction, that is BCM50 dial out to ipLDK.
Again with SIP it depends on the number of RFC's supported by both systems "BCM50 and ipLDK60" .
If RFC's are supported with both systems, and the RFC's are not "too" proprietairy...
So testing and making log files and sending the log files to your importer/distributor That is the way to go on.
You will need to get the free "sniffer" program Wireshark from the internet. Hereafter you install the 2 ipPBX'es on a LAN and also you PC with the Wireshark program.
Then you will be able to see/measure/snif all packets send to and from the 2 IP telephony systems.
Actually what I'm having problems at this moment is to dial out to the ipLDK. I have a hub and I'm using the Wireshark and it's very useful, as a matter of fact, I can see the SIP messages coming from the BCM to the ipLDK and it works fine.
Do you have any suggestions in how should I route the calls to the BCM?
I just to take ipLDK courses
I have something infotmation about SIP programming:
PGM 340 VOIB Mode select for SIP/DUAL.
PGM 322 VOIP Mode select SIP for CO.
SIP Attribute 1: Setting Proxy Server Address=Domain= SIP Server´s IP address.
SIP Attribute 2:
Contact Number:Station Number
User ID Registration: Register
User ID Usage: Select
User ID: Station Number@VOIB´s IP Address
Index 2: Same for another Station
PGM 111: Station Number: SIP User ID Table: 1
To make a SIP Call:
Dial CO access code
Dial the number you want to call
Dial #
Tray This
sorry for my english
PD: Can you send me your Download file (file.USR)
I tray to connect it to BCM 50(H.323)and only signaling pass
Thank you Morenot. This will help donavasq to get the SIP trunk up and running.
I tried some years ago to interconnect a Nortel Meridian to an LG ipLDK-24, but it failed to work. We used H.323.
I hope that your project with SIP will have more success.
PGM 220: Select M02 internal and loop LCR
PGM 221:
Index 0:
Compared Digits: 2
Time Zone/Day Zone:0 0 0 0 0 0
PGM 222:
Index 0:
Only Check that CO Group is 1
Now you can dialed 2xxx and your calls goes to group 1
One Question:
Do you have LCR working?
if yes, first set up PGM 221 and see if Index change and
Time Zone/Day Zone set to 1 1 1 1 1 1
if not, ahead
It should work without 880x and without LCR.
If you use my VoIP trunk "receipt" and have both C0GRP=1 for ISDN calls and COGRP=2 for VoIP calls then it will work!.
With LCR works...
I configured my ipLDK 60 to connect it to BCM 50 Rel 2 with
SIP trunks and works fine
I dialed 2xx# and rings in BCM station
on BCM I dialed 1000 and rings in ipLDK 60 station.
Too if I dialed 9 2xx# works, because SIP CO trunks are in CO Group 1
Nice to know, but...
It should work without LCR.
Now, you must program and maintain both LCR and VoIP dialling plans at the customer's installation.
With H.323 you just dialled the number and got your connection.
What s/w is used with the ipLDK-60?
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