when the caller presses 0 by all means they should get the attendent as long as you assigned it under table in voicemail also make sure that you have it set up under f982...
You can have 3 types of attendants in the voicemail.
1) Voicemail Attendant (configured using F982)
2) Table Attendant (configured when building a greeting table)
3) Target Attendant (configured in F981 Mbox Admin)
The voicemail attendant is the "catch all".
If you have no other attendants defined, calls from any voicemail location (mbox, AA, CCR) will go the the voicemail attendant.
A Table Attendant might be used if you have specific lines answered for a specific department.
A Target Attendant might be used in a boss/secretary arrangement allowing you to zero out of his mbox and reach his assistant.
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