It's stored on the BCM, but you need to buy a 3rd party software to get it off and and you need a Stand alone PC to user a an FTP server to be able to read it. Not an easy thing to setup, I have been trying and haven't got it working yet.
If you didn't need to print, could you review what is stored on the BCM and delete? They are basically wanting to know how many calls are coming in to the receptionist. Wouldn;t necessarily need the print out. thanks
It doesn't go 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ect. There are start records, transfer records and end records and other kind of records. trying to look at them in raw data would take a Gunis to figure it out on the fly. Sorry there isn't a simple way.
Have you ever looked at the log files available unter "Maintenance"? The lmslog file identifies each call, the line used, number called and duration. It opens in a txt file and the "find" feature allows you to do a quick search by extension number or name to ID the calls.
An easier way, if you just want to see who called, like your caller ID box at home, is to turn on call logging. The recep. phone could store up to 600 calls and you can scan through them and delete them using the soft keys, like on your caller ID box.
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