I have a bcm50 rel3 with the 12 digital extn ports with ICC, 5 skillsets,10 agents on the keycode file.
When i Build the agents in call pilot i was able to set up Many agents so i decided to set up 20.
I thought you could only Build as many agents as there are Licences????.
So my question is?.
Can i Build say 30 agents for all the staff you want to be a call centre member.
Does this mean that only 10 can log in at any One time.
Therefore i dont need a licence for everyone just for the 10 people you will be logged in that day.
30 people assigned but using 10 licience logging into 10 phones.
When i Build the agents in call pilot i was able to set up Many agents so i decided to set up 20.
I thought you could only Build as many agents as there are Licences????.
So my question is?.
Can i Build say 30 agents for all the staff you want to be a call centre member.
Does this mean that only 10 can log in at any One time.
Therefore i dont need a licence for everyone just for the 10 people you will be logged in that day.
30 people assigned but using 10 licience logging into 10 phones.