I had a power supply on a BCM Expansion unit go out on me. Avaya sent me a replacement that seemed to work fine, however, today all the DSM's have amber power lights. Does anyone have any thoughts as to what the issue could be?
I believe I repair this indication on media bay modules once, by doing a controled shut down, reboot. Both, or all cabinets together. Just another ideal.
A while back, there were a bunch of DSM32+ modules that had some kind of manufacturing defect that caused that problem. There's nothing wrong with the modules per se except for those darn lights. It's caused by an overcurrent problem. When the cables are plugged in to both connectors and sets are hanging off them, when they power up, the current draw overloads the circuit and causes that light to turn red. There is a memo out on it.
All you have to do to make them go out is power the system off, unplug the bottpm connector, reboot the system and when it comes up, plug the cable back in. All lights should then be green. The memo indicated that the modules could be returned for replacement if you want to do that also.
Here's an update: The main unit does not seem to be communicating with the expansion. I took one of the DSM's from the expansion unit and installed it in the main cabinet, and took the DSM from the main cabinet and installed it into the expansion and I'm still getting the same issue. The one I took from the expansion works fine in the main, and the one from the main does not work in the expansion. Plus, when I go into programming and try to enable the DSM's, they don't enable, they stay at "enabling". Avaya tech support told me to replace the BFT so I'm trying that. Any other thoughts if that does not work?
Given that all this stuff was working before the power supply went out, and the fact that the modules have been proven to work properly I would suspect that the supply they sent you is also defective or is improperly installed. I suppose something could have happened through the interconect cable but thats a pretty passive device with no power connections to it and is the only physical connection between the two boxes so I highly doubt that the BFT is messed up. The only thing on it that could be causing you this grief is the DS256 connection.
I would try another power supply before swapping a BFT
Tried a different power supply and everything is back up and running. Who would've thought that the replacement unit was the issue. thanks everyone for the input!
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