Hi all, quick run-down: BCM 450, all patched current, 3 pri cards and dsm 32 in main chas. 1 dsm 32 and 5 asm8 mbms in the expansion. switch does have Capacity Expansion Card. switch has every option known to mankind. icc, 20 ip phones, mix of 7324's, 7316's and 7316e's remote phones(ip telephones) Customer has a bcm 400 3.6 prior to install( all was well) We have working 450's and they are awsome, how-ever none of them have the CEC Card Switch is reporting no errors on the EM and we have the customer logging f9*9 when is "freeze" occurs, we think we think we notice a peak or a full 100% red peg in CPU. any help would be appreciated...john
Cursed and Blessed is the day that we decided telcom would be our profession.