After rebooting the system it goes through the chkdsk then after completing the check disk the following error comes up. The dots start loading something but it stops.
"- Insufficient Memory
No details on cause on screen. Unable to find any Win NT information for the cause. I am thinking it may be corrupted harddrive. Vendor due onsite tomorrow with replacement drive.
Does it say where there is Insufficient Memory?
Like an E: or F: drive - you can get in via the command line and see where the biggest files are located and delete - as well as there are multiple languages that you can delete to make more space.
I also heard that there is a patch that fixes this problem: BCM_370.194_OS2.00.002.exe
Doesn't get any further in the process of booting so I can't do anything with it. Stuck on the screen. I was thinking I could remove the drive and mount it on a another computer so get at the files and delete what is causing the problem.
Removed the drive and put in into another computer. Found that the log files partition was full. Deleted the all the old files.
After putting the drive back into the unit it now boots up with no errors but hangs with "...................." after the NT Kernal tries to load. Seems NT is jacked up.
Now I need to figure out if I can put the configs from the exsisting drive to the new preconfigured drive so we don't need to rebuild everything.
Running Ver 3.6. Should I ask him to upgrade to Ver. 3.7 since this is all T&M.
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