I had my customer with a 3.5 and the hard drive crashed. I had a 3.7 and installed it and all lights came up green but I cannot access unit. I have tried the platform initialization and it didn't work either. Any help would be greatly appreciated
Can you 'talk' to the system using the serial port? What is the IP address of Ethernet port 2? Do you have the serial number and keycodes to upgrade to 3.7? Did you try a replacement 3.5 hard drive?
Dedicated to Nortel Products till the end.
Need help?
If you can log into the serial port, change the system date to something prior to 2007 and reboot it. If you can't you might have to apply the old Apache fix patch. Don't think it's available from Nortel's website anymore though but I;m sure someone on here will have a copy of it.
I have changed the date but it still doesn't work. I have noticed that the services are set at manual and a lot of them are stopped. It will not let me change them or set to auto. Any suggestions?
Sounds like the Apache Server hasn't started. If you can see that it's stopped, just try starting it.
It's been a while since I've had to deal with this issue but if I recall, you can go to the command line (option 7 I think) and type "net start apache" (or something like that)and see what happens. I think you might also need to be in the etc directory to run it.
Like I said, it's been a while so maybe someone else can refine my suggestion. In the mean time, I'll look back in some notes I have to see if I can get better directions.
Of course, if you have that old Apache patch, you can just apply it. It fixes the underlying problem.
Thank you all for your advice It has worked wonders. I found my old copy of the apache patch and it worked great!!
Now my customer is happy and so am I.
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