Hey guys I wonder if u agree that the HD probably needs replacing even tho it's only 2yrs old.
A month ago I tried to do a backup but at the very end it gave an error saying could not be completed. During the attempt it turned off the vmail services and never restarted them. I had to do a reboot. After 1hr of watching the HD restart VERY slowly I left the site w/ the vmail still down and the HD booting up. Process took over 2hrs.
I returned today to load SU27. Patch installed ok but again the HD took forever. I watched the startup via Procomm and things were moving at a snails pace from the autocoreload service on. Each service was taking up to 10min to come up as ok. The HD took 2.5hrs to come up but the vmail service was still down and so were several other services (Utfp, UTFP server, ip services, etc) Even tho the alarm table showed callpilot was restarted successfully, vmail was down. I went into services and manually restart it. After 1hr the vmail was up. Only things is I can't get in via EM says Vmail is restarting please wait 5min. If I go in via Telset, I can get in.
So what are your thoughts? Replace?
A month ago I tried to do a backup but at the very end it gave an error saying could not be completed. During the attempt it turned off the vmail services and never restarted them. I had to do a reboot. After 1hr of watching the HD restart VERY slowly I left the site w/ the vmail still down and the HD booting up. Process took over 2hrs.
I returned today to load SU27. Patch installed ok but again the HD took forever. I watched the startup via Procomm and things were moving at a snails pace from the autocoreload service on. Each service was taking up to 10min to come up as ok. The HD took 2.5hrs to come up but the vmail service was still down and so were several other services (Utfp, UTFP server, ip services, etc) Even tho the alarm table showed callpilot was restarted successfully, vmail was down. I went into services and manually restart it. After 1hr the vmail was up. Only things is I can't get in via EM says Vmail is restarting please wait 5min. If I go in via Telset, I can get in.
So what are your thoughts? Replace?