OK Here's the problem. Someone sends an email as follows ..
From : me@domain1.com
To : you@domain2.com
CC : andyou@domain3.com
BCC : youtoo@domain4.com
Mailserver (FreeBSD & Sendmail) accepts message, collects all recipients, strips off BCC field in header and copies message to each individual i.e. you, andyou and youtoo. All works fine.
Now the problem - domain4.com has a catchall pop mailbox which is retrieved client side by vPOP (or something similar) and is distributed out internally on the network. The message to 'youtoo@domain4.com' lands in the catchall pop mailbox but the BCC field is stripped, so header only shows the To: and the CC: fields. This means that 'youtoo@domain4.com' isn't visible and when vPOP collects all the mail, it can't deliver the message because it doesn't know who it's to on the local domain.
I assume it's the way Sendmail deals with BCCs - how do I resolve this? Any help, suggestions or pointers in the right direction greatly appreciated. Ta!
From : me@domain1.com
To : you@domain2.com
CC : andyou@domain3.com
BCC : youtoo@domain4.com
Mailserver (FreeBSD & Sendmail) accepts message, collects all recipients, strips off BCC field in header and copies message to each individual i.e. you, andyou and youtoo. All works fine.
Now the problem - domain4.com has a catchall pop mailbox which is retrieved client side by vPOP (or something similar) and is distributed out internally on the network. The message to 'youtoo@domain4.com' lands in the catchall pop mailbox but the BCC field is stripped, so header only shows the To: and the CC: fields. This means that 'youtoo@domain4.com' isn't visible and when vPOP collects all the mail, it can't deliver the message because it doesn't know who it's to on the local domain.
I assume it's the way Sendmail deals with BCCs - how do I resolve this? Any help, suggestions or pointers in the right direction greatly appreciated. Ta!