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BCA problems

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Technical User
Jun 28, 2002
I have this VBA code, which perfectly works when I execute it "myself". However, it doesn't work when I execute it through BCA. Is someone know the reason ?

the following code is :

Option Explicit
Dim NbLignes As Integer

Dim i As Integer

Dim docmaitre As Document
Dim docesclave As Document
Dim dpcsrh As DataProvider
Dim colonnesmaitre As Columns
' La colonne des CSRH
Dim colcsrh As Column
' La colonne des dates
Dim coldate As Column

' procédure principale

Sub auto_open()

' On passe en mode NON INTERACTIF pour éviter les msgBox
Application.Interactive = False

' Mode accès au référentiel
Application.ExchangeMode = boRepositoryMode
Application.ExchangeDomain = "aderh_dom"

' Ouverture et Rafraîchissement de l'état "Liste CSRH"
Application.Documents.Receive ("Liste CSRH")
Set docmaitre = Application.Documents.Open("Liste CSRH")

' Utilisation des données rafraîchies pour paramétrer l'état "test"
Set dpcsrh = docmaitre.DataProviders.Item(1)
Set colonnesmaitre = dpcsrh.Columns
Set colcsrh = colonnesmaitre.Item(1)
Set coldate = colonnesmaitre.Item(2)

NbLignes = colcsrh.Count

' Ouverture de l'état "test"
Application.Documents.Receive ("test")
Set docesclave = Application.Documents.Open("test")

For i = 1 To NbLignes

' Affectation d'un CSRH
Application.Variables.Item("Choix du (des) CSRH, * pour le global").Value = colcsrh.Item(i)
' Affectation de la date
Application.Variables.Item("Choix du dernier mois du trimestre (200109;200110; ...) :").Value = coldate.Item(1)

' Rafraichissement de l'état "test" paramétré avec les nouvelles valeurs


Set docmaitre = Nothing
Set docesclave = Nothing

Application.Interactive = True

End Sub
What is the error message you are getting??? What is the basic funda behind running the Code at BCA Server???? The code seems to be retrieving a file from repository and putting some value to prompts. But would help if you provide more details regarding the error. Also you can execute the code step by step.

Good Luck
I don't get any error message, in the BCA console, it just shows "echec" that's why I don't understand.

when I execute the macro step by step, it works perfectly.
You need to log each step of the macro (and errors raised from VB) to event viewer or file, since BCA errors are quite unuclear.
One thing that comes to my mind is that the error could be related to user permissions.

Stick to your guns
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