Got a Baystack 460 with all the ports setup to use VLAN 1 (by default), yet some ports have a priority assigned to them (either 0 or 6). Does this mean packets ingressing or egressing through these ports will have priority over other ports?
The help file gave me this:
Application > VLAN: Port Configuration
The VLAN Port Configuration page allows you to configure specified switch ports with the appropriate PVID/VLAN association that enables the creation of VLAN broadcast domains. You can configure specified switch ports to filter (discard) all received tagged frames, untagged frames, or unregistered frames. You can also prioritize the order in which the switch forwards packets, on a per-port basis. Refer to the BayStack 460-24T Power User's Guide for more information.
Notice near the end "You can also prioritize the order in which the switch forwards packets, on a per-port basis"..
What ya think? Thanks in advance!!
The help file gave me this:
Application > VLAN: Port Configuration
The VLAN Port Configuration page allows you to configure specified switch ports with the appropriate PVID/VLAN association that enables the creation of VLAN broadcast domains. You can configure specified switch ports to filter (discard) all received tagged frames, untagged frames, or unregistered frames. You can also prioritize the order in which the switch forwards packets, on a per-port basis. Refer to the BayStack 460-24T Power User's Guide for more information.
Notice near the end "You can also prioritize the order in which the switch forwards packets, on a per-port basis"..
What ya think? Thanks in advance!!