I have a stack of three switches (450-24T) in a closet that is suddenly having cascade issues. The base unit has a 400-2fx MDA module.
Here's the log from one of the units that seems to have started the issue. This unit is no longer in the stack but problems persist.
Entry Number: 6 sysUpTime: 00:05:16 Reset Count: 46
Down (In) Cascade Cable Disconnect Detected
Entry Number: 5 sysUpTime: 123 days, 06:56:11 Reset Count: 44
An operational exception occurred at vector number 2.
[SP+0] 2004000B [SP+3] 0000FFFF
[SP+1] 6AE6C008 [SP+4] 000B6AE6
[SP+2] 00C00000 [SP+5] 00010055
Entry Number: 4 sysUpTime: 123 days, 06:55:19 Reset Count: 44
Down (In) Cascade Cable Disconnect Detected
The other units only reported the cascade disconnect and when looking at the down stack the cascade LEDs are all green. Since that initial 'cascade cable disconnect' and the exception, the stack continues to fail with a blinking base light between 20 to 45 minutes or more after re-powering. Before upgrading the OS I would get the cascade cable discon errors and the stack would fail with only the base unit passing traffic to the fiber MDA.
I have since reset each switch to factory defaults and upgraded the switches independently to, have replaced each switch with a backup unit, swapped cascades modules and cables but can’t pin down the error. For now I’m running crossover cables to bypass the cascade until I either resolve or replace the whole stack.
Anyhow have something similar? Just trying to find what I might have overlooked.
I’m just about ready to throw the stack out and buy a complete replacement 5xxx setup.
Here's the log from one of the units that seems to have started the issue. This unit is no longer in the stack but problems persist.
Entry Number: 6 sysUpTime: 00:05:16 Reset Count: 46
Down (In) Cascade Cable Disconnect Detected
Entry Number: 5 sysUpTime: 123 days, 06:56:11 Reset Count: 44
An operational exception occurred at vector number 2.
[SP+0] 2004000B [SP+3] 0000FFFF
[SP+1] 6AE6C008 [SP+4] 000B6AE6
[SP+2] 00C00000 [SP+5] 00010055
Entry Number: 4 sysUpTime: 123 days, 06:55:19 Reset Count: 44
Down (In) Cascade Cable Disconnect Detected
The other units only reported the cascade disconnect and when looking at the down stack the cascade LEDs are all green. Since that initial 'cascade cable disconnect' and the exception, the stack continues to fail with a blinking base light between 20 to 45 minutes or more after re-powering. Before upgrading the OS I would get the cascade cable discon errors and the stack would fail with only the base unit passing traffic to the fiber MDA.
I have since reset each switch to factory defaults and upgraded the switches independently to, have replaced each switch with a backup unit, swapped cascades modules and cables but can’t pin down the error. For now I’m running crossover cables to bypass the cascade until I either resolve or replace the whole stack.
Anyhow have something similar? Just trying to find what I might have overlooked.
I’m just about ready to throw the stack out and buy a complete replacement 5xxx setup.