When a user browses to the Retail solution site as a Guest user, adds a product to his or her basket, and then register as a new user - basket become empty
Did some one had same problem and is there any solution?
This should not be a problem with the retail site as it does transfer the basket on login.
Sub MoveBasketItems(ByVal sSourceBasketID, ByVal sDestinationBasketID)
Dim mscsOrderGrp, mscsOrderGrpMgr
' The source basket must exist and contain at least one item.
Set mscsOrderGrp = LoadBasket(sSourceBasketID)
If mscsOrderGrp.Value(TOTAL_LINEITEMS) <> 0 Then
' Add the items in the source basket to the items in the destination basket.
Set mscsOrderGrp = LoadBasket(sDestinationBasketID)
Call mscsOrderGrp.AddItemsFromTemplate(sSourceBasketID)
Call mscsOrderGrp.SaveAsBasket()
' Remove the source basket.
Set mscsOrderGrpMgr = GetOrderGroupManager()
Call mscsOrderGrpMgr.DeleteOrderGroupFromDisk(sSourceBasketID)
End If
End Sub
However I did not use the retail site and so just transfer my items from the basket to new order Group on login and removed the old.
Look at login.asp on retail, inparticular the above function and Sub PrepareLoginPage()
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