I have been 'left ' a half configured pair of Pix's to finish configuring.
It has Interfaces setup, IP any any ACLS and matching access-group statments.
But I can't connect from the outside (sec level 0) network through to the inside (sec level 100) network.
I am not worried about security at this point or NATing any IP's, I just need to create a flow through the box.
I am guessing it is something to do with static's, NAT's or Globals.
Can someone please help with these basic commands.
It has Interfaces setup, IP any any ACLS and matching access-group statments.
But I can't connect from the outside (sec level 0) network through to the inside (sec level 100) network.
I am not worried about security at this point or NATing any IP's, I just need to create a flow through the box.
I am guessing it is something to do with static's, NAT's or Globals.
Can someone please help with these basic commands.