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Banner does not float over site: sits to right side of css layout

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Technical User
Dec 28, 2005
I have added this code in the <head></head> tags
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">var Type = 'Z';
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else if(document.layers) {
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else if(document.getElementById) {
	document.getElementById('AdFloater').style.left = (window.innerWidth - 35) + 'px';
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	Type = 'C';
if (document.all) { window.onscroll = Float; }
else { setInterval('Float()', 100); }
function Float() {
if (Type == 'A') { document.all.AdFloater.style.pixelTop = document.body.scrollTop; }
else if (Type == 'B') { document.AdFloater.top = window.pageYOffset; }
else if (Type == 'C') { document.getElementById('AdFloater').style.top = window.pageYOffset + 'px'; }
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and this in the <body>
<body onLoad="StartFloat()">
and this in the content area
<div id='AdFloater'>
<SCRIPT language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript' >
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It keeps sitting after my css layout. Why isn't it sitting ontop??
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