By the way thank you for all the help on my last post. Here is my newest problem I need help with. I am trying to link two locations with a point to point T1. This T1 is 24 channels E&M, one side is connected with a Kentox CSU, which splits 8 channels into voicve and 16 channels for data, suppossedly. However, I doubt the programming inide the CSUs, so I disconneted them and plugged right into the smrt jacks at both locations and limited my access to just the first 8 channels through provisioning and line pools, the system works fine. Am I correct in believing the problem resides in the CSUs? If so can anyone think of wht the problem might be, when I hook it up through CSUs, when I try to access the trunks through ARS, it gives me 'Line in use' This circuit is an SF AMI circuit. Please any comments wil help regardless of how small.