We use ARCServe 2000 SP4 on a Win2000 server. One of our backup jobs (that backs up a NetWare 5.11 server) returns the following error messages for some directories on this server, other directories on the same server and volume are backed up without any problems:
Unexpected return from findfirstfile API
Unexpected return from findnextfile API
Unable to find directory {path} EC=BAD NETPATH
Unable to find file [path] EC =BAD NETPATH
Recreating the job did not make a difference. Why would these error messages only appear for certain directories/files and not all? Any help, comments would be appreciated.
Thanks, Edmée de Klerk
Technical Support
Fluor Australia
Unexpected return from findfirstfile API
Unexpected return from findnextfile API
Unable to find directory {path} EC=BAD NETPATH
Unable to find file [path] EC =BAD NETPATH
Recreating the job did not make a difference. Why would these error messages only appear for certain directories/files and not all? Any help, comments would be appreciated.
Thanks, Edmée de Klerk
Technical Support
Fluor Australia