Ok so for the longest time I could not figure out why mail from my domain would get tagged by spam filters. Until I stated tail a mail log file while sending from my domain that was running spamassassin. If you just do a EHLO to my mail server it says a domain must be specified.
I am just using sendmail and have done all I know how to do to try and get t to just answer. I have removed all my masquerade domains and everything. The server name is the domain name. have this set in sendmail.mc LOCAL_DOMAIN(`thehobbypit.com').
Any help or hints in the right direction would be great thanks.
I am just using sendmail and have done all I know how to do to try and get t to just answer. I have removed all my masquerade domains and everything. The server name is the domain name. have this set in sendmail.mc LOCAL_DOMAIN(`thehobbypit.com').
Any help or hints in the right direction would be great thanks.