I am trying to deploy newly developed application in WebSphere 4. The application was successfully tested in the JBoss environment, so I would not foresee problems with the logic.
The CLASSLOADER visibility is APPLICATION, which perfectly works for the home and remote object classes packaged in the EJB JARS and accessed from the web tier.
However it seems to NOT work for the DATA CONTAINER class,
used to pass data from the entity bean to the web tier,
Despite I package the common class in the COMMON JAR positioned in the application EAR, with reference on this JAR from the WAR and EJB JAR via the MANIFEST files in the referencing modules, as was prescribed in the WAS4 Handbook.
the following problems persists:
<<Servlet Error: trying to refine class za/co/strate/beans/user/RoleData (bad class loader?): java.lang.Exception: trying to refine class za/co/strate/beans/user/RoleData (bad class loader?)>>
This error takes place on attempt to load the mentioned above class via the TAG module called from JSP. Remarkable that JSP can load this class even when this class is positioned in the EJB JAR without a reference within MANIFEST files.
The custom TABLIBs also are packaged in WAR according to WAS4 Handbook.
The application was compiled using IBM JDK come with WAS4.
and successfully tested with ASSEMBLY TOOL, and deployed with ADMIN CONSOLE.
Is some restrictions on using TAGLIBs in WAS4, or this is a packaging issue ?
I greatly appreciate your time and effort to help me.
Leonard Solomyak
I am trying to deploy newly developed application in WebSphere 4. The application was successfully tested in the JBoss environment, so I would not foresee problems with the logic.
The CLASSLOADER visibility is APPLICATION, which perfectly works for the home and remote object classes packaged in the EJB JARS and accessed from the web tier.
However it seems to NOT work for the DATA CONTAINER class,
used to pass data from the entity bean to the web tier,
Despite I package the common class in the COMMON JAR positioned in the application EAR, with reference on this JAR from the WAR and EJB JAR via the MANIFEST files in the referencing modules, as was prescribed in the WAS4 Handbook.
the following problems persists:
<<Servlet Error: trying to refine class za/co/strate/beans/user/RoleData (bad class loader?): java.lang.Exception: trying to refine class za/co/strate/beans/user/RoleData (bad class loader?)>>
This error takes place on attempt to load the mentioned above class via the TAG module called from JSP. Remarkable that JSP can load this class even when this class is positioned in the EJB JAR without a reference within MANIFEST files.
The custom TABLIBs also are packaged in WAR according to WAS4 Handbook.
The application was compiled using IBM JDK come with WAS4.
and successfully tested with ASSEMBLY TOOL, and deployed with ADMIN CONSOLE.
Is some restrictions on using TAGLIBs in WAS4, or this is a packaging issue ?
I greatly appreciate your time and effort to help me.
Leonard Solomyak