As most of you may know by reading my other posts, I recently got my linux box online and running well <pats self on back>. I just got an old 2Gig scsi drive and and a scsi ISA controler card. I am going to put them into linux tonight to see if it works. I'm pretty sure it will. What I want to use the drive for is to back up important files (no user files) that I would need to restore to get linux up and running as before. Things like samba.conf, or better yet /etc, by the logs. If linux did take a dive all I want to do is run the setup form the disc and go from there restoring the files from the archive disc.<br><br>I have been thinking about using tar. I have information on how to use it. What I need is some input on what files I should save (because I don't know if all the important files are in /etc). Also how often should I back these files up, I would assume after changing something? Would tar be the best bet for this or would some other tool be better. <p>Troy Williams B.Eng.<br><a></a><br><a href= > </a><br>