Technical User
Hi All,
Hope someone has run into this or could shed some light. I have 1 backup server. I backup 4 servers that reside on 2 different subnets. 3 of the servers are on the same subnet as the backup server and I have no problem backing up these servers. Since upgrading our network from NT4 to Win2000 server,I cannot browse the other subnet to be able to backup the 1 server that sits on that subnet. In other words, on the backup server I can see all the servers on that same subnet but I cannot see the other subnet so therefore, BackupExec will not backup servers it cannot browse to. I had a call open with Microsoft and they were telling me that Veritas Software is a known issue in regards to browsing issues. Anyone know of any issues related to Veritas Software breaking browsing in a Windows2000 environment?
Hope someone has run into this or could shed some light. I have 1 backup server. I backup 4 servers that reside on 2 different subnets. 3 of the servers are on the same subnet as the backup server and I have no problem backing up these servers. Since upgrading our network from NT4 to Win2000 server,I cannot browse the other subnet to be able to backup the 1 server that sits on that subnet. In other words, on the backup server I can see all the servers on that same subnet but I cannot see the other subnet so therefore, BackupExec will not backup servers it cannot browse to. I had a call open with Microsoft and they were telling me that Veritas Software is a known issue in regards to browsing issues. Anyone know of any issues related to Veritas Software breaking browsing in a Windows2000 environment?