Hello All,
I find myself in a new job. Yea! But, am moving from what used to be Perl programming and database work back into sys admin stuff. It has been a few years. I tried the search fxn to no avail. And, 'sorry if this stuff is terribly newbish.
I have two HP Integrity rx2620 boxes. One has a tape drive, the other does not. I'd like to be able to use the one tape drive to backup both boxes and am looking for some strategy advice.
It would seem pretty straight forward to mount the root of the file system on the second box from the first box (the one with the tape drive) and just let the first box do all the backup work. Neither machine is heavily loaded.
Is there a better approach? Is there a remote host style approach to this that might be better?
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
'hope this helps
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I find myself in a new job. Yea! But, am moving from what used to be Perl programming and database work back into sys admin stuff. It has been a few years. I tried the search fxn to no avail. And, 'sorry if this stuff is terribly newbish.
I have two HP Integrity rx2620 boxes. One has a tape drive, the other does not. I'd like to be able to use the one tape drive to backup both boxes and am looking for some strategy advice.
It would seem pretty straight forward to mount the root of the file system on the second box from the first box (the one with the tape drive) and just let the first box do all the backup work. Neither machine is heavily loaded.
Is there a better approach? Is there a remote host style approach to this that might be better?
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
'hope this helps
If you are new to Tek-Tips, please use descriptive titles, check the FAQs, and beware the evil typo.