I'm trying to setup a Standby SQL Server to mirror my Production SQL Server and am using a command "Load Database" which fails every time with the following error:<br><br>[Database in use. System Administrator must have exclusive use of database to run load. (Message 3101)]<br><br>I did a sp_who and killed whatever spid showed up, but still I get the same error. Could it be because users are accessing the Production Server in which I am trying to run the Load from? This is what the command line looks like:<br>A: Production Server: <br>DUMP DATABASE DOCS TO DOCSData1 WITH NOUNLOAD , STATS = 10, INIT , NOSKIP<br><br>B: Backup (Standby) Server:<br>use docs<br>go<br>sp_dboption docs, "dbo use only", true<br>go<br>load database docs from docsdata1<br>go<br>sp_dboption docs, "dbo use only", false<br>go<br><br>Any assistance you can provide would be very much appreciated.....I'm in a desperate state!<br>Thanks.