hi, whats the best way to "clone" my live production 3640 router onto a warm satndby 3640? if i tftp the config it means both need to be plugged to the same network and there will be an IP conflict.
Go to this link and then read the part about backing up and copying your config via terminal emulation program. Use hyperterminal as your terminal emulation program or something similar.
networkadmin404 -
ok so basically as i suspected there is no 'cool' way to do this other then copy/paste the clean configuration?
follow up q to that procedure- the backup router i have R2 has already lots of stuff on it, do i need restore it to factory default? or is there an easy "delete all" command?
jneiberger -
yes i have looked into HSRP, but i think i will need a switch that will have the main IP address with the two routers holding virtual IP's pointing to it correct? well - which switch, what ios, how do i make the switch redunadant (the whole point is to have redundancy, so the risk transfers from a dead router to a dead switch...)
is HSRP a commonly used method?
To factory default the router , from the command line just do a "write erase" command , this will wipe out startup config . Then reload the box if it asks you if you want to save the config say "NO" .
If you're that paranoid, get two switches, connect them together, then get fault-tolerant ethernet transceivers to connect everything together. Then run HSRP and you're set. I've used that exact configuration before in situations where I needed to have real high availability.
ok so task accomplished on the copy code thing, although i must say that im shocked that there isnt some sort of an easy way to clone routers and upload the code without having to paste the run-config into a newly cleaned router.
burt thanks, i am actually looking into HSRP for that reason yes.
however, i recently got an ASA5510 and i am not really sure how the topology and code needs to be changed to accomodate HSRP. is it as simple as just plugging in the virtual router IP into the ASA?
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