I have posted in the "General back-up" forum, but there dosn't seem to be much happening over there, so I thought I would give it a try in my usuall place (here).
I have a 3 PC Win200Pro PnP network, which although small (15Gb total) contains mostly vital data.
At the moment I am doing a daily critical file backup on a weekly rotation (nothing archived, I can only get as far back as one week). I want to move onto something a bit more robust, FAST and simple.
I would really like something that will allow me to recover from serious failure in the minimum of time. I would like to go down the HDD backup option, and copy/mirror the entire system (OS, App & data)to disk for removal each evening, swaping with a remote disk daily? With the hope that if I have a serious meltdown, I can get up and running straight away from the backup disk?
Unfortunatley I cant afford an endless amount of HDDs, so I figure that this will be a problem for anything past the number of daily disks that I have.
If I upped the number of HDD's from two swapping daily to one for each day of the week, and used tape for the weekly / monthly backups - would this work?
On the subject of disk mirroring, and straight swap to the mirror on hardware failure, I understand how this works on a single PC, but can it be applied to my 3 PCs with one backup disk, still giving me the ability to "plug & go" if I have to? I assume that having the backup HDD partitioned for each PCs data would allow this?
On the hardware front I have been looking at;
Accordance ARAID,
Iomega REV,
I had considered Casper XP as software, but understand that it will only work on the one PC scenario?
Excuse me if I am talking from my back passage here, but I am pretty confused with the amount of backup devices & software that is out there - I know this;
I want something simple & fast,
I want to be up in a short space of time following problems,
(I dont want to have to go through loading OS/Apps&data),
I would prefer HDD to Tape if poss.
I have a 3 PC Win200Pro PnP network, which although small (15Gb total) contains mostly vital data.
At the moment I am doing a daily critical file backup on a weekly rotation (nothing archived, I can only get as far back as one week). I want to move onto something a bit more robust, FAST and simple.
I would really like something that will allow me to recover from serious failure in the minimum of time. I would like to go down the HDD backup option, and copy/mirror the entire system (OS, App & data)to disk for removal each evening, swaping with a remote disk daily? With the hope that if I have a serious meltdown, I can get up and running straight away from the backup disk?
Unfortunatley I cant afford an endless amount of HDDs, so I figure that this will be a problem for anything past the number of daily disks that I have.
If I upped the number of HDD's from two swapping daily to one for each day of the week, and used tape for the weekly / monthly backups - would this work?
On the subject of disk mirroring, and straight swap to the mirror on hardware failure, I understand how this works on a single PC, but can it be applied to my 3 PCs with one backup disk, still giving me the ability to "plug & go" if I have to? I assume that having the backup HDD partitioned for each PCs data would allow this?
On the hardware front I have been looking at;
Accordance ARAID,
Iomega REV,
I had considered Casper XP as software, but understand that it will only work on the one PC scenario?
Excuse me if I am talking from my back passage here, but I am pretty confused with the amount of backup devices & software that is out there - I know this;
I want something simple & fast,
I want to be up in a short space of time following problems,
(I dont want to have to go through loading OS/Apps&data),
I would prefer HDD to Tape if poss.