Our Online backup failed last night with the following message:
SQL2048N An error occurred while accessing object "3". Reason code: "6".
Error 6:
The object being accessed is a table space and either the table space is in such a state that the operation is not allowed or one or more containers of the table space is not available. (LIST TABLESPACES will list the current table space state.)
When I list the tablespaces:
Tablespaces for Current Database
Tablespace ID = 0
Type = System managed space
Contents = Any data
State = 0x0800
Detailed explanation:
Backup in progress
Tablespace ID = 2
Type = System managed space
Contents = Any data
State = 0x0800
Detailed explanation:
Backup in progress
Tablespace ID = 3
Name = DATA01
Type = Database managed space
Contents = Any data
State = 0x0000
Detailed explanation:
flashaix db2prod $db2 list tablespace containers for 3 show detail
Tablespace Containers for Tablespace 3
Container ID = 0
Name = /db2prod/data/data01.f01
Type = File
Total pages = 11025277
Useable pages = 11025216
Accessible = Yes
All Containers for all objects show as accessible.....
Have no idea what generated this error.....
My problem now is How do I get the first two tablespaces out of "Backup in Progress" state? Can I kick off another online backup and hope that will clear it?
Thanks in advance......
SQL2048N An error occurred while accessing object "3". Reason code: "6".
Error 6:
The object being accessed is a table space and either the table space is in such a state that the operation is not allowed or one or more containers of the table space is not available. (LIST TABLESPACES will list the current table space state.)
When I list the tablespaces:
Tablespaces for Current Database
Tablespace ID = 0
Type = System managed space
Contents = Any data
State = 0x0800
Detailed explanation:
Backup in progress
Tablespace ID = 2
Type = System managed space
Contents = Any data
State = 0x0800
Detailed explanation:
Backup in progress
Tablespace ID = 3
Name = DATA01
Type = Database managed space
Contents = Any data
State = 0x0000
Detailed explanation:
flashaix db2prod $db2 list tablespace containers for 3 show detail
Tablespace Containers for Tablespace 3
Container ID = 0
Name = /db2prod/data/data01.f01
Type = File
Total pages = 11025277
Useable pages = 11025216
Accessible = Yes
All Containers for all objects show as accessible.....
Have no idea what generated this error.....
My problem now is How do I get the first two tablespaces out of "Backup in Progress" state? Can I kick off another online backup and hope that will clear it?
Thanks in advance......