The agent can see the machine and the directory to be backed
up (whole directory tree has group read/execute permission)
The bkexec72 account has a password and telnet'ing to the
SUN all directories and files can be seen and read. However, using the NT client only the world readable files
can be seen and backed up.
Called tech support and thus-far no luck.
Anyone know what it takes?
I even tried setting up unix agent to require password for
back up path and typed it in when requested by NT client.
Thanks in advance,
Bill Priest
ComSpace Corporation
up (whole directory tree has group read/execute permission)
The bkexec72 account has a password and telnet'ing to the
SUN all directories and files can be seen and read. However, using the NT client only the world readable files
can be seen and backed up.
Called tech support and thus-far no luck.
Anyone know what it takes?
I even tried setting up unix agent to require password for
back up path and typed it in when requested by NT client.
Thanks in advance,
Bill Priest
ComSpace Corporation