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Backup and Restore

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Jul 4, 2002
We have a single server environment Running Version 7 Upfront, IWR, PPES and Access Manager using Netscape Directory Server for security..

I am trying to put together a backup strategy for this environment. does anyone have experience / suggestions for this.

Does the upfPack command backup the whole environment configuration ? is this enough to restore the system if the part or all of the system goes down ?


does each application need it's own backup strategy as documented in the cognos backup and Recovery Guide ?
can these be automated ? It seems PPES and IWR will need to be done manually as the services need to be stopped and started during backup.

Any useful insights welcome

Gary Parker
Systems Support Analyst
Manchester, England
All backups can be done automatically ... services can be stopped via a batch file before you start the backups.

Upfront - upfpack will do the trick.
PPES - Copy of the ppserver directory is all that you really need.
AccMan - An lae export file is what is required.
IWR - Db files need to be copied, as well as a backup of your reports (precaution).

Thanks for the reply, been working on this most of the afternoon, managed to write scripts to do most of the File/db copying.

Have you an example script for stopping/starting the cognos service ? This would save me a lot of time.


Gary Parker
Systems Support Analyst
Manchester, England
net start "cognos ticket server"

net stop "cognos ticket server"

You will have to make sure that the "service name" matches what appeasr in the services console.
Thanks Flex13 all up and running, worked a treat.

Gary Parker
Systems Support Analyst
Manchester, England
Is it neccessary to stop the services to do the backup?
It is definitely necessary to stop the powerplay service before backing up.

I'm not sure if IWR services are stopped just so that reports can not be run while backing up or it is necessary.


Gary Parker
MIS Data Analyst
Manchester, England
Is it possible for you to share your bakcup procedures?

It will give me some idea?

Currently I am working on backup procedures.

How do you backup LAE files? Do you export to LAE file every time you do the changes in namespace?
I have no experience of LAE files as we use netscape directory server so can't help you there. but here are example scripts I use for other components.

Batch File : Script Directory Server Backup.bat 

Rem Backup Upfront configuration
"c:\program files\cognos\cer2\bin\upfpack.exe" -un admin -pw password -d "D:\Cognos Data\Backups\Upfront"

Rem Backup database
"c:\program files\cognos\cer2\bin\upfdbadm.exe" -b "D:\Cognos Data\Backups\Upfront\UpfrontStore.bak"

Impromptu Web Reports
Batch File : Script IWR Backup.bat

Rem Program and Directories
Set BackupEXE="C:\ODI\OStore\bin\osbackup.exe"
Set IWRConfig="C:\Program Files\Cognos\cer2\bin\iwrconfig"

Set BackupPath="D:\Cognos Data\Backups\IWR\Backup\"
Set ArchivePath="D:\Cognos Data\Backups\IWR\Archive\"
Set BackupFile="D:\Cognos Data\Backups\IWR\Backup\IWRDbBackup.bak"
Set inc_lst="D:\Cognos Data\Backups\IWR\inc.lst"
Set import_list="D:\Cognos Data\Backups\IWR\import_list.txt"
Set ReportSet="D:\Cognos Data\Backups\IWR\Backup\ReportSet.txt"

Rem Stop Services before copying
Net Stop "Cognos IWR Service Manager (cer2)"
Net Stop "Cognos Communication Service (cer2)"

Rem Copy to Archive Folder
move /y %BackupPath%*.* %ArchivePath%

Rem Create Backup
%BackupEXE% -f %BackupFile% -i %inc_lst% -I %import_list%

Rem Backup Report Set Locations
%IWRConfig% -cmd dumpAllReportSet >> %ReportSet%

Rem Restart Services
Net Start "Cognos IWR Service Manager (cer2)"
Net Start "Cognos Communication Service (cer2)"

Powerplay Enterprise Server
Batch File : Script PPES Backup.bat

Rem Directories
Set BackupPath="D:\Cognos Data\Backups\PPES\Backup"
Set ArchivePath="D:\Cognos Data\Backups\PPES\Archive\"

Rem Stop Service
Net Stop "Cognos PowerPlay Enterprise Server (cer2)"

Rem Move to Archive Folder
xcopy /E /Y %BackupPath% %ArchivePath%

Rem Copy Files to backup location
xcopy /Y "C:\Program Files\Cognos\cer2\ppserver\PPSRoot.cfx" %BackupPath%\
xcopy /E /Y "C:\Program Files\Cognos\cer2\ppserver\PPSRoot" %BackupPath%\PPSRoot\

Rem Start Service
Net Start "Cognos PowerPlay Enterprise Server (cer2)"

Gary Parker
MIS Data Analyst
Manchester, England
No problem - glad to help

Gary Parker
MIS Data Analyst
Manchester, England
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