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Backup and Restore Unix Clients with a Windows Media Server

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Nov 20, 2001
I am having some difficulties with a test Linux machine that i am bucking up with a Windows 2000 Master\Media server. I dont get any errors during the backup, but when i log into the Linux WS with my desktop (WinXP) using the Java console and selecet Restore, i do not see all the files on the Linux machine. The policy for the Linux box has it backing up as INTEL\RedHat, Standard, and it is set to back up all local drives. What am i missing?

Check a few things:

- At you linux box, try to use the text-based interface to browse for backups. It is a little tricky but self explained.

Also try to browse for backups using the MasterServer interface.
- Backup Archive & Retore
- File->Specify Netbackup Machines
- Include your clients name & policy type and the tab "Source Client" and select as current.
- Click Select for Restore
You should see all files backup up for that particular client.

If you need tore restore the files, you can go to the same properties again and there will be a new tab called "Destiantion Client". Make your client current.

Just selet the files to be restored and click:
- Actions -> Start Restore of Marked Files.

I hope it helps,

On the Master server, i cant see all the files that are supposed to be backed up :? Have selected all local drives on the backup plolicy so i should be able to see things like /usr/bin/any_file but i cant. Did i miss a config entry when i installed the client or the services on the master server? Is there a security setting that i have to change to allow for the backups? Is Windows having trouble talking to the Unix machine? I used the Root account to install the Client on the Linux machine.

There is no problems with ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES directive for Unix. It will backup every FileSystem it founds. It is also ok (if not required) to install the agent using "root" account.

If you get a sucessfull backup (exit 0 or 1) you should be able to see the files in the catalog using any of the methods:
- client Java interface (jbpSA)
- Client text-base interface (bp)
- client command line interface (bplist)
- Servers "Backup Archive & restore"

When using windows to browse for backups check the Client Name and Policy Type as I said before. If those setting are wrong you will get an error like "Warning: server (servername) does not contains any backups for client (clietname) using the specified policy type (type) as requested by client (servername)".

Don't forget to make you client CURRENT before click on "Select For Restore" button.
when i use the /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bp command, i get a socket read failed error.
actually, i get the same Socket Read Failed when i try to querry the server through the Java interface.

That is weird considering your backups were done sucessfull.
- Do you have a dual-nic machine with a backup network?
- Is DNS correctly configured? Both direct and reverse?
- Does the CLIENT_NAME in the bp.conf matches the name associated with the network interface used for backups?
- Have you set up any Advanced Authentication Feature?
- How does it goes using the server interface?
- Enable logs for BPCD on the client and retry the operation:
mkdir /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/bpcd
chmod 777 /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/bpcd
- You can also troubleshoot name resolution problems with "bpclntcmd"

To answer your questions,
DNS: is good
CLINT_NAME: is good
Advanced Authentication Feature: i dont know how.
Server interface: doesnt show all the files

Here is the log file:
[6933] <2> bpcd main: offset to GMT 18000
[6933] <2> logconnections: getsockname(0) failed: 88
[6933] <2> bpcd main: setup_sockopts complete
[6933] <16> bpcd main: authentication failed: 17
[6935] <2> bpcd main: offset to GMT 18000
[6935] <2> logconnections: getsockname(0) failed: 88
[6935] <2> bpcd main: setup_sockopts complete
[6935] <16> bpcd main: authentication failed: 17

Any Ideas?

- Are you pacthed? Tell me about the versions on Client and Server.
- Can you browse for backup for other clients?? Are there any other Unix or they are only Windows clients??

When you say &quot;doesnt show all the files&quot; do you mean you can see some of the files but there are files missing or that you can't see nothing at all and got a error message??

If you can see just &quot;some&quot; of the files you were expecting to see, you need to get back and check the DETAILED information on the backup Job. Sometimes it exit with error 1 and that migth be because some files were NOT backued up. If you have already deleted the backup jobs from the activity monitor you can try look at All Problems report for that particular client.

The server has MP3. The client i used was from the same media kit, so i think its up to date. The funny thing is when i make chanes to the client from the server like verbose logging setting, it accepts it and writes to the bp.conf file, but when i try to make chanes to the default swap path, i cant connect. And i am unable to initiate a connection from the client. This is the only Unix machine at this time. I did not want to roll it out without understanding it first. Soon, it will be on Linux, IRIX and Solaris machines, as well as the NT\2000\2003 boxes.
After looking mor closely at the logs, i noticed that even though the Unix machine finishes with an error code of 0, it is not backing up all the files. Im only getting a total of 32 files off of the Unix machine.
Not being a UNIX guru I hesitate to answer, but there is one thought which immediately comes to my mind having several UNIX clients (HP-UX, Solaris, AIX, Red Hat) in our NBU DC environment. Have you checked the box which says &quot;traverse mount points&quot;? I apologize for the vagueness, but I am not at a place where I can immediately look for the location of this check box. The check box is either found by selecting change the policy or by settign a host property - not sure which area it is found, but I'm thinking it is in the Policy attributes.

There is a checkbox called Cross Mount Points in the policies window that is not checked. I dont think that is it. I put up a second test machine in my office, its Solaris 9 on a Intell platform and it backed up beautifully. I can see everything. I dont get any errors when i query the server from the java consol on this machine. However, when i use the Java consol to connect to the other workstation, i get the same errors when i query the server. I have to double check, but i think that the other machine has 2 nic cards in it. Is it possible that this is causing my troubles?
Just one question, are you doing a full or incremental backup on this Linux box? If you did a full backup at some point, then are only doing incremental, it's very possible you only need to backup 32 files. When viewing the files that are backed-up, make sure you select to view your full+incrementals or you'll only see the last incremental backup. Hope this helps.

BTW if you backup exits with status 0 then I don't think the 2 Nic cards are causing you any trouble.
Now im really at a loss... I built a RetHat 8 machine to test, becaue that the OS im having trouble with, and installed the client the same way. I have no trouble connecting at all. I even installed the client on an IRIX6.5 machine, with no errors. But whenever i try to initiate a connection with the server, i get an EXIT STATUS 23, Socket Read Failed (23).

Dual NIC machines need to be configured carefully. Considering they have more than one IP address they have more then one 'name'.

Make sure you are using the correct name in all configurations:
. client bp.conf
. client name (inside a policy)
. source client name (when restoring from server, as explained in my first post)
. Java Client interface for restore

A few things to notice:
- if you are using ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES it should be the only thing listed on files ; and DO NOT check &quot;Cross Mount Points&quot; otherwise you will backup duplicated filesystems

- there is a parameter called REQUIRED INTERFACE to be set on dual NIC machines where you do not have a dedicated network for backup.

Your problem seems to me to be related to nanming resolution.

BTW, try the folowing:
Create a policy caled AAAA, add a User Backup Schedule with a 24 hour window and include the client on the policy. Then telnet the client an try:

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpbackup -p AAAA -L /tmp/logfile /etc/hosts

This should start a manual backup of /etc/hosts file. Check the generated log and Activity monitor (on server). Let me know what happened.
MrLula, thank you for all of your help so far on this issue. I have not had the opportunity to dig deeper into the issue of that one machine with the dual nics as of yet, i have been fighting to figure out just what my problem is with the unix\linux setup in general. I spoke too soon when i said that the other machine were working flawlessly. 3 different flavors of Unix are doing the same thing (RedHat8, Solaris 9, and IRIX 6.5).

The Policies are set to backup all local drives, and the activity logs say that the jobs succeed. But when i log into the machines through the Java Console and select restore, and choose all backups, it only shows me 2 folders that have been backed up, even with the fulls selected. It looks like the clients can poll the server for information, but thats it.

I can not initiate a backup from the client. It says that no policies have been created for client backups, when i do have one.

If i log into the server and bring up the properties of the Policy, i can not connect to any Unix machines when i try to select specific files for backup.

Its obviouse that i am missing something, but what?

I have NB4.5FP3 on the server, and installed the clients from the same set of CDs so they should also be FP3. Yest. i downloaded MP6 for Solaris (9) and Linux (RH8) and have it installed on 2 test machines with the same problems.
Does anyone have instructions on how to install NBU 4.5 FP6 to a Windows 2003 platform? I have the CDROM but no experience installing Windows as a client.

Thomas Hannah - JEA
I would try changing from all_local_drives and just put / in its place. Then make sure your policy is Standard in the attributes tab and make SURE that the cross mount points IS checked. It should take long to test this and you can back out of the changes quickly. If this does not work please look at your bp.conf file in the /opt/openv/netbackup directory and make sure the master server name is the first entry and your media servers are in there between the master server (1st entry) and the client name (towards the bottom). Hope this helps! Jeremy
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