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Backup & Restore

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Nov 22, 2007

Can some one help me with the step by step to make a backup and a restore from a summit 300 thru command line.

Here is from the EXOSConcepts12_0 guide to backup
You can download previously saved XML formatted XOS configuration files from a TFTP host to the
switch to modify the switch configuration. Do not use a text editor to view or modify your switch
configuration files; modify your switch configurations directly in the CLI.
ExtremeXOS 11.4 introduces support for ASCII-formatted configuration files. To view your current
switch configuration in ASCII-format, see “ASCII-Formatted Configuration Files” on page 1023 for more
information about uploading and downloading ASCII-formatted configuration files.
For more information about TFTP, see “Using the Trivial File Transfer Protocol” on page 68.
To download the configuration from a TFTP host to the switch, you can use either the tftp or the tftp
get command:
? tftp [<host-name> | <ip-address>] -g -r <remote-file> {-l <local-file>}
Where the following is true:
? host-name—Is the host name of the TFTP server
? ip-address—Is the IP address of the TFTP server
? -g—Gets the specified file from the TFTP server and copies it to the local host
? -r <remote-file>—Specifies the name of the configuration file that you want to retrieve from
the TFTP server
? -l <local-file>—Specifies the name of the configuration file on the switch
? tftp get [host-name> | <ip-address>] <remote-file> {<local-file>} {force-overwrite}
Where the following is true:
? get—Gets the specified file from the TFTP server and copies it to the local host
? host-name—Is the host name of the TFTP server
? ip-address—Is the IP address of the TFTP server
? <remote_file>—Specifies the name of the configuration file that you want to retrieve from the
TFTP server
? <local-file>—Specifies the name of the configuration file on the switch
? force-overwrite—Specifies the switch to automatically overwrite an existing file
By default, if you transfer a file with a name that already exists on the system, the switch prompts you to
overwrite the existing file. For more information, see the tftp get command in the ExtremeXOS Command
Reference Guide.
If you download a configuration file and see the following message:
Error: Transfer timed out
Make sure that you entered the filename correctly, including the .cfg extension, and that you entered
the correct host name or IP address for the TFTP server.
If your download is successful, the switch displays a message similar to the following:
Downloading megtest2.cfg to switch... done!
Configurations are downloaded and saved into the switch nonvolatile memory. The configuration is
applied after you reboot the switch.
If the configuration currently running in the switch does not match the configuration that the switch
used when it originally booted, an asterisk (*) appears before the command line prompt when using the
Beginning with ExtremeXOS 11.4, you can also download the current configuration in ASCII format
from a TFTP server on your network to the switch. For more information, see “ASCII-Formatted
Configuration Files” on page 1023.
Here is how to upload from the same guide
You can upload the current configuration to a Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) server on your
network. Using TFTP, the uploaded configuration file retains your system configuration and is saved in
Extensible Markup Language (XML) format. This allows you to send a copy of the configuration file to
the Extreme Networks Technical Support department for problem-solving purposes.
To view your current switch configuration, use the show configuration {<module-name>} command
available on your switch. Do not use a text editor to view or modify your XML-based switch
configuration files.
ExtremeXOS 11.4 introduces support for ASCII-formatted configuration files. To view your current
switch configuration in ASCII-format, see “ASCII-Formatted Configuration Files” on page 1023 for more
information about uploading and downloading ASCII-formatted configuration files.
For more information about TFTP, see “Using the Trivial File Transfer Protocol” on page 68.
To upload the configuration from the switch to a TFTP server, you can use either the tftp or the tftp
put command:
? tftp [<host-name> | <ip-address>] -p -l <local-file> {-r <remote-file>}
Where the following is true:
? host-name—Specifies the host name of the TFTP server
? ip-address—Specifies the IP address of the TFTP server
? -p—Puts the specified file from the local host and copies it to the TFTP server
? -l <local-file>—Specifies the name of the configuration file that you want to save to the TFTP
? -r <remote-file>—Specifies the name of the configuration file on the TFTP server
? tftp put [<host-name> | <ip-address>] <local-file> {<remote-file>}
Where the following is true:
? put—Puts the specified file from the local host and copies it to the TFTP server
? host-name—Specifies the host name of the TFTP server
? ip-address—Specifies the IP address of the TFTP server
? <local-file>—Specifies the name of the configuration file that you want to save to the TFTP
? <remote-file>—Specifies the name of the configuration file on the TFTP server
If you upload a configuration file and see the following message:
Error: No such file or directory
Check to make sure that you entered the filename correctly, including the .cfg extension, and that you
entered the correct host name or IP address for the TFTP server.
If your upload is successful, the switch displays a message similar to the following:
Uploading megtest1.cfg to TFTPhost ... done!
Beginning with ExtremeXOS 11.4, you can also upload the current configuration in ASCII format from
the switch to a TFTP server on your network. For more information, see “ASCII-Formatted
Configuration Files” on page 1023.
You are right here ya go
from ExtremeWareCommandRef74
download configuration
download configuration [<ip address> | <hostname>] <filename> {incremental}
Downloads a previously saved ASCII configuration file from a specific TFTP server host.
Syntax Description
Usage Guidelines
Unless you specify the incremental keyword, this command does a complete download, resetting the
current switch configuration and replacing it with the new downloaded configuration. You will be
prompted to reboot the switch after the download is complete. If you do not reboot when prompted, the
switch views the configuration file as corrupted and the next time you reboot the switch prompts you to
reset to the factory defaults.
The new configuration information is stored in switch run-time memory, and is not retained if the
switch has a power failure. After the switch has rebooted, you should save the configuration to the
primary or secondary configuration area to retain it through a power cycle. You can include a save
command at the end of the configuration file to have the save done at the end of the download.
The file on the server is assumed to be located relative to the TFTP server base directory. You can
specify a path as part of the file name.
Use of the hostname parameter requires that DNS be enabled.
Use the incremental keyword to specify an incremental or partial configuration download. In this case,
the commands specified in the incremental download file are executed, but configuration settings not
specified in the file are left intact. No reboot is required.
The following command clears the current switch configuration, and downloads a new full
configuration from the TFTP server called tftphost. It uses the configuration from the file stdconfigs.txt
residing in the subdirectory configs\archive of the TFTP server base directory on the server:
download configuration tftphost configs\archive\stdconfig.txt
The following command downloads a partial configuration from the TFTP server called tftphost from
the file modifyconfig.txt (residing in the subdirectory configs\archive on the server):
download configuration tftphost configs\archive\modifyconfig.txt incremental


upload configuration
upload configuration [<ip address> | <hostname>] <filename> {every <time>}
Uploads the current configuration to a TFTP server on your network.
Syntax Description
Uploads the current configuration immediately.
Usage Guidelines
The filename can be up to 255 characters long, and cannot include any spaces, commas, quotation
marks, or special characters. Unless you include a path with the filename, this command places the file
in the same directory as the TFTP server itself.
The uploaded ASCII file retains the command-line interface (CLI) format. This allows you to do the
• Modify the configuration using a text editor, and later download a copy of the file to the same
switch, or to one or more different switches.
• Send a copy of the configuration file to Extreme Networks Technical Support for problem-solving
If every <time> is specified, the switch automatically saves the configuration to the server once per
day, at the specified time. Because the filename is not changed, the configured file stored in the TFTP
server is overwritten every day.
For version 4.0:
• The keyword every is not supported. Specify the time immediately after the filename.
For version 6.0 or later:
• The keyword every is required if a time is specified.
To cancel automatic upload, use the cancel option. If no options are specified, the current configuration
is uploaded immediately.
Use of the hostname parameter requires that DNS be enabled.
ip address Specifies the IP address of the TFTP server.
hostname Specifies the hostname of the TFTP server.
filename Specifies a name for the file where the configuration is to be saved.
time The time of day in the format <hour (0-23)>:<minutes (0-59)>.
1112 ExtremeWare 7.4 Command Reference Guide
Configuration and Image Commands
The following command uploads the current configuration to the file configbackup.txt on the TFTP server
named tftphost, every night at 10:15 p.m.:
upload configuration tftphost configbackup.txt every 22:15
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