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Backstory - Managers/Supervisors re

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Tom Westermayer

Systems Engineer
Aug 23, 2022
Backstory - Managers/Supervisors really like the Agent Group based Historical reports but, they are such a pain to maintain – adding and removing agents as they come and go – constant struggle to keep these updated.

Is there a Custom CMS report like the Agent Group based reports but, is grouped via skills?
More specifically is there a query like this that groups (totals) via skills for all agents with multiple skills?
ROW_DATE = [Date:] and ACD=$acd and LOGID in (select value from agroups where item_name = [Agent Group:] and acd_no=$acd) GROUP BY dagent.LOGID

The input would allow multiple skills to be entered and then output
(report) would be a one-line total for each agent regardless of the number of skills they had.

So, my point would be is that the Managers/Supervisors would run this Custom report enter all the skills they are responsible for and they would get an Agent Group like report as before but, no admin on our part. And the other side of this is that Managers/Supervisors already have the permissions to add/remove skills for agents but, we just took away their ability to update Agent Groups b/c they had too much power to mess with other stuff.
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