I'm trying have a backslash (/) appear in a textarea when the page is loaded, then the user can add up to ten characters, then another backslash (/) appears in that textfield. Looks like this: /1234567890/
My script does this and I also give an alert message if the user types in more then 10 characters, but I also want the alert to come if the user DOESN'T type in ten characters. In other words, the user MUST type in ten characters no more or no less otherwise they get an alert message. i tired changing the if(line.length>11) to
if(line.length<=11) and also if(!line.length==11) nothing works. Anyone know what I can do? I uploaded the file to this site, so you can see it in action.
My script does this and I also give an alert message if the user types in more then 10 characters, but I also want the alert to come if the user DOESN'T type in ten characters. In other words, the user MUST type in ten characters no more or no less otherwise they get an alert message. i tired changing the if(line.length>11) to
if(line.length<=11) and also if(!line.length==11) nothing works. Anyone know what I can do? I uploaded the file to this site, so you can see it in action.