firstly i want to apologise for posting another question about background images but i can't actually find an answer to this on the site.
I have got three td cells that all have a background image. two end pieces left and right and then a center image. This is used for the navigation of the website, when a user is in a particular section the background image is changed using server side code to a darker shade for all three images.
This on state works fine and the left and right for the td's works fine for the off state, but the center image is not being displayed in netscape.
this is not working for the off state the on state which is the same code just a different image is working fine. this is just in netscape, i don't really want to create a page for NS and one for IE
the code that i am using is:
<TD><img src="images/but_left.gif" WIDTH="6" HEIGHT="22" BORDER="0" ALT=""></TD>
<TD BACKGROUND="images/but_mid.gif" align=center><a href="company/index.cfm" class="link">COMPANY</A></TD>
<TD><img src="images/but_right.gif" BORDER="0" ALT="" WIDTH="6" HEIGHT="22"></TD>
all of the images exist by the way i checked that one first
I have got three td cells that all have a background image. two end pieces left and right and then a center image. This is used for the navigation of the website, when a user is in a particular section the background image is changed using server side code to a darker shade for all three images.
This on state works fine and the left and right for the td's works fine for the off state, but the center image is not being displayed in netscape.
this is not working for the off state the on state which is the same code just a different image is working fine. this is just in netscape, i don't really want to create a page for NS and one for IE
the code that i am using is:
<TD><img src="images/but_left.gif" WIDTH="6" HEIGHT="22" BORDER="0" ALT=""></TD>
<TD BACKGROUND="images/but_mid.gif" align=center><a href="company/index.cfm" class="link">COMPANY</A></TD>
<TD><img src="images/but_right.gif" BORDER="0" ALT="" WIDTH="6" HEIGHT="22"></TD>
all of the images exist by the way i checked that one first