After upsizing my Data base to SQL in one of my form fields I got an error #3421 you must use the dbSeeChanges option with OpenRecordSet when access a SQL server table that has an Identity Column.
So i thought that's easy enough, little did I know it would prompt another Compile error: Expected Array!
Which I don't know enough about VB to correct or is there something i am not doing with the dbSeeChanges Option
Here is my code: can someone help solve the mystery!
Thanks Fasteddied
Dim lngClear As Long
lngClear = 6
If checkRecordSaved = False And (OperatorText <> "" Or cmbSta1Tech <> "N/A") Then
lngClear = MsgBox("This record has not been saved. Do you want to continue?", vbYesNo)
End If
Select Case lngClear
Case 6
'strSQL = "SELECT * FROM ShopOrder " & "WHERE ShopOrder = '" & _
' Get_ShopOrder & "'"
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tbl_SchedTopQuery_for_SOListBox " & "WHERE Order_No = '" & _
Get_ShopOrder & "'"
Set rs = Application.CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
varSO = rs!Order_No
strSO = rs!Order_No
strCheckInProc = "SELECT * FROM TesterLog where ShopOrder = '" & strSO & "' AND In_Process_Flag = True"
Set rsCheck = Application.CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(dbSeeChanges(strCheckInProc))
Set_SO = strSO
Show_ShopOrder rs, rsCheck, strSO, False
Set rs = Nothing
Set rsCheck = Nothing
Case Else
Exit Sub
End Select