You will need to be in LD 43 for the 11 & 11E option 11 systems. The command is XBK followed by c/r until you get the INFO prompt. You can type in details such as date Customer info etc (up to one line of characters) if required follow by c/r.
The meridian will reply with R> (I think!). You have to select the receive file option to save the database onto your P.C. Use 9600 baud rate if it's a direct connection & have the standard connections such as 8 bits etc.
Don't use 19200 baud rate, Unless you have the 11c versions!.
If it's successful, then you will get the OK message.
To verify the data collected, Use the command XVR, but remember to use the send file option & select your saved file.
After the OK message has been given, Then you can copy the saved file onto a floppy disc.
My experience in this process, has made me wise in saving to hard disk first as I can then have two backup copies (in case the floppy goes missing or has faulty sectors).
I have done a help guide on the complete process which I can email out to you, Or I can put it on the Tek-tips as a faq.
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