MICS 4.0 with PRI for PSTN, T1 for tie lines and NAM voicemail. I'm trying to add a destination code that will pass any 5XX number over tie lines to another facility. We're currently doing this with 4XX numbers to a different facility. (Our office is 3XX) Trouble is when I go to add the destination code, it won't take it. I don't have any regular DNs in that range. When browsing for the conflict, I went into Port/DN status and started looking at the B2s and found many numbers in the 5XX range. I confess ingnorance on the function of B2 DNs. Since we don't seem to be using them, is it safe to disable the B2 side? Would that free these numbers up to use as destination codes?
Thanks in advance . . .
Thanks in advance . . .