Mar 23, 2005 #1 CoastalIT MIS Dec 3, 2004 16 US Lotus Notes R6 We have two users in our company whose schedules show that they have every single Thursday as busy, all day. There are no calendar entries for either users and no repeats that I can find. Any ideas how I might resolve this? Thank you, Travis
Lotus Notes R6 We have two users in our company whose schedules show that they have every single Thursday as busy, all day. There are no calendar entries for either users and no repeats that I can find. Any ideas how I might resolve this? Thank you, Travis
Mar 23, 2005 Thread starter #2 CoastalIT MIS Dec 3, 2004 16 US Sorry about the tags, I thought it would bold the heading.... Travis Upvote 0 Downvote