I have a asp.net app that opens and inserts a photo into a word template. The problem is inserting the photo if I use 'C:\sunset.jpg' this works fine but if I use a mapped drive it doesn't. I get an error message saying it is not a valid file name.
this is the code
Thank you.
I have a asp.net app that opens and inserts a photo into a word template. The problem is inserting the photo if I use 'C:\sunset.jpg' this works fine but if I use a mapped drive it doesn't. I get an error message saying it is not a valid file name.
this is the code
Dim objWordApplication As New Application
Dim objDocument As New Word.Document
objDocument = objWordApplication.Documents.Add (OTemp)
Dim v_range As Word.Range
With objWordApplication.Selection
.InlineShapes.AddPicture( _
filename:="Z:\winter.jpg", _
LinkToFile:=False, _
SaveWithDocument:=True, _
End With
Thank you.