I have three examples of the Connect property for the following scenarios:
1.Access via ODBC
CrystalReport1.Connect = "DSN=ODBCDSN;UID=User;PWD=Password;DBQ=<CRWDC>DBQ=path\databasename"
2.Oracle via ODBC
CrystalReport1.Connect ="DSN=ODBCDSN; UID=User; PWD=Password"
3.Sybase natively
CrystalReport1.Connect = "DSN=ODBCDSN;UID=User;PWD=Password;DBQ=<CRWDC>DBQ=path\"
Note: (CrystalReport1.Connect = "DSN= ;UID= ;PWD= ;DSQ= c:\temp\xtreme.mdb"
I seemed to be lost in a sea of information and have no way to test examples 2 & 3. Are these examples correct?
1.Access via ODBC
CrystalReport1.Connect = "DSN=ODBCDSN;UID=User;PWD=Password;DBQ=<CRWDC>DBQ=path\databasename"
2.Oracle via ODBC
CrystalReport1.Connect ="DSN=ODBCDSN; UID=User; PWD=Password"
3.Sybase natively
CrystalReport1.Connect = "DSN=ODBCDSN;UID=User;PWD=Password;DBQ=<CRWDC>DBQ=path\"
Note: (CrystalReport1.Connect = "DSN= ;UID= ;PWD= ;DSQ= c:\temp\xtreme.mdb"
I seemed to be lost in a sea of information and have no way to test examples 2 & 3. Are these examples correct?