test2 contains:
[2008-11-18 13:41:44,478]
[2008-11-14 13:42:44,478]
[2008-11-15 13:43:44,478]
[2008-11-16 13:44:44,478]
[2008-11-17 13:45:44,478]
[2008-11-13 13:46:44,478]
I am trying to pull out lines between 2 dates. So far i have this line:
nawk '$0>="["from && $0<="["to' from="2008-11-16" to="2008-11-18" test2
It is only returning:
[2008-11-16 13:44:44,478]
[2008-11-17 13:45:44,478]
like it's not equaling the 18th.
So frustrating. Any help greatly appreciated.
test2 contains:
[2008-11-18 13:41:44,478]
[2008-11-14 13:42:44,478]
[2008-11-15 13:43:44,478]
[2008-11-16 13:44:44,478]
[2008-11-17 13:45:44,478]
[2008-11-13 13:46:44,478]
I am trying to pull out lines between 2 dates. So far i have this line:
nawk '$0>="["from && $0<="["to' from="2008-11-16" to="2008-11-18" test2
It is only returning:
[2008-11-16 13:44:44,478]
[2008-11-17 13:45:44,478]
like it's not equaling the 18th.
So frustrating. Any help greatly appreciated.