I want to run my programm using crontab command, but it does not function.
0 8 * * * sh path/programm.sh
But if I run the programm from command line sh programm.sh it funtion fine.
the problem ocurr when I try to run the next command using another awk.
compress" "directorio""file " | fold -w 2048 | awk -f /home/programm.awk | wc -l" | getline tamano
/usr/xpg4/bin/awk -v dir=${dir} -v fecha1=${fecha1} ' {
if ( file ~ /.Z$/ )
else compress="cat"
compress" "directorio""file " | fold -w 2048 | awk -f /home/programm.awk | wc -l" | getline tamano
print tamano
Any suggestion, Thanks for your help
I want to run my programm using crontab command, but it does not function.
0 8 * * * sh path/programm.sh
But if I run the programm from command line sh programm.sh it funtion fine.
the problem ocurr when I try to run the next command using another awk.
compress" "directorio""file " | fold -w 2048 | awk -f /home/programm.awk | wc -l" | getline tamano
/usr/xpg4/bin/awk -v dir=${dir} -v fecha1=${fecha1} ' {
if ( file ~ /.Z$/ )
else compress="cat"
compress" "directorio""file " | fold -w 2048 | awk -f /home/programm.awk | wc -l" | getline tamano
print tamano
Any suggestion, Thanks for your help