I have a formula {@daystoclose} which calculates the number of days to resolve a Technical Support case:
CDate({SW_CASE.swDateResolved}) - CDate({SW_CASE.swDateCreated}))
All of my closed cases are group by {@month}:
DatePart ("m", {SW_CASE.swDateResolved}) & "/" & DatePart ("yyyy", {SW_CASE.swDateResolved})
I am trying to figure out the average number of days between the Case Opened date and the Case Closed Date per month.
Nothing I am trying seems to be giving me accurate data. Can anyone help point me in the right direction?
I appreciate any help!
I have a formula {@daystoclose} which calculates the number of days to resolve a Technical Support case:
CDate({SW_CASE.swDateResolved}) - CDate({SW_CASE.swDateCreated}))
All of my closed cases are group by {@month}:
DatePart ("m", {SW_CASE.swDateResolved}) & "/" & DatePart ("yyyy", {SW_CASE.swDateResolved})
I am trying to figure out the average number of days between the Case Opened date and the Case Closed Date per month.
Nothing I am trying seems to be giving me accurate data. Can anyone help point me in the right direction?
I appreciate any help!