totext(hr,0)&"h"&totext(min,0)&"m"&totext(sec,0)&"s" Mike
Chane this:
totext(hr,"00"&":"&totext(min,"00"&":"&totext(sec,"00" Mike
If you are trying to summarize on the formula I supllied, you'll be limited to Max and Min and a couple others. This is because the field result is a string. In order to get summaries such as totals and averages (and any other that require a number) you need to use the number of seconds to create the summary and then use that summary for the secs:= part of the formula.
E.g. if you had a grand total of seconds the line in the fornula would looks something like this:
You can't do a summary of the time using my formula. It is for display only. If you don't already have this formula field, create it:
datediff("s", {Main.START_TIME}, {Main.END_TIME})
You can suppress the field on your canvas. Do the summary operation on the field. Insert the summary into the formula I supplied
numbervar secs;
numbervar hr;
numbervar min;
numbervar sec; //summary of seconds goes here secs:=summary({seconds})
This line secs:=summary({seconds})as part of the formula doesn't work. I also have this line datediff("s", {Main.START_TIME}, {Main.END_TIME})
as a formula but I am having proplem how to apply all together.
Insert a summary for the formula.
If want to find the total seconds for all of the details this line:
would be:
If that doesn't explain it well enough, send the report to me, with data and I'll see if I can help you out that way. We may have our wires crossed completely. I may be trying to give you the wrong solution to your problem
If you are using CR9, don't send it. I can't open the file.
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