I have a series of checkboxes on a report that read from a table. For each checkbox I have its control source as an If statment that reads if there is an "A" in the table that the checkbox will be set to 1 and if not it will be set to 0. I have a total of 8 checkboxes and each ones control source looks for a diferent letter. I then find the percentage of boxes checked. i.e. 1 out of 8 boxes is 12.5% and so on. This same procedure is done multiple times on one report, and I need to find the average of all of the percentages. The AVG function will not allow me to do this--it keeps asking me to enter the parameter values. Since I am taking the average of text boxes that are calculated fields I do not think there is easy way for me to do this. I need to find a way to find the averages ASAP. I would really appreciate any help someone could give me.