This report is grouped by department, and then employee. It is used to calculate quarterly incentive payouts. I have calculated the average points for each employee by using a summary field("Insert Summary...". I now want an average of all employee's averages by department.
Sample Data:
Name, MTH1Points, MTH2Points, MTH3Points, AVG
Sally, 99, 101, 97, 99
Bobby, 90, 99, 100, 96
Charlie, 102, 103, 98, 101
How can I now calculate the average of all the employee averages(99, 96 and 101)? I thought I could use 'Insert Summary...' and then select Average by Department, but that adds up each employees points for each month again, and divides by the total.
Any help would be appreciated.
Sample Data:
Name, MTH1Points, MTH2Points, MTH3Points, AVG
Sally, 99, 101, 97, 99
Bobby, 90, 99, 100, 96
Charlie, 102, 103, 98, 101
How can I now calculate the average of all the employee averages(99, 96 and 101)? I thought I could use 'Insert Summary...' and then select Average by Department, but that adds up each employees points for each month again, and divides by the total.
Any help would be appreciated.