What kind of numbers? If they're public numbers, they'd route via ARS. ARS can have number strings be denied. To say, when you spin up CM for the first time, there's already some numbers in there such as anything matching 1-900 that's automatically denied.
If you're talking internally, then you check the CORs. Each COR by default is allowed dialing every other COR, but you can look at the later pages of each COR and set COR 101 to not be allowed to call COR 102.
For example, a customer of mine has a system that includes both their admin users as well as their industrial workers who work on shift rotation. We don't want someone fat-fingering a number and calling one of the shift workers at 1PM when they might be working nightshift and sleeping at 1PM. What we did was we gave a specific COR to the shift workers room phones and we denied every other COR from being able to call that specific COR. Then we added an exception so their shift supervisors have another specific COR that IS allowed to call them.
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