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Avaya IP403 Office 1

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Technical User
Jan 16, 2016
Hello all,

I am new to here, and this is my 1st post (please be kind)

I have been given a Avaya IP403 and 8 phones, and been told to make them works.

I know that it is second hand, and I have three cd with it, one the admin cd, and one the user cd, and the last being the voicemail pro cd.

other then that, that is all I have.

I can power the unit on, and I have worked out some of the ext numbers of the phones and I can dial one from the other etc.

but that is as far as I can go.

IS their a way to found out what the ip address of the unit is? I have installed the admin software but manager cannot find the unit.

I have tried searching using various tools to get the ip address of the unit. but all coming up a lose.

I am hoping someone on here know how to find out the ip address of it?



Use a serial cable and comms software like PuTTy
Hook up the cable between PC and IP Office
Run PuTTy and set the used COM port on the PC and set comms to 38400,8,N,1
Start PuTTy and type AT<enter>
when the comms are ok then it responds with OK
Type at-debug (no capitals)<enter>
Type updatelan<enter> ####this will show LAN info
Current LAN1: ipaddr: mask: (LAN port)
Current LAN2: ipaddr: mask: (WAN port)

press enter a several times to leave the command without changes or do the following to change IP Adressing:

Enter which lan interface (lan1 or lan2): lan1 (or hit enter to leave unchanged)

Enter IP address (a.b.c.d):<enter>
Enter IP mask (a.b.c.d):<enter>
Add default gateway (yes or no)?<enter>
Start WriteConfig at f7e0969c, savemode SaveNormal, writetype ToFlash
Start WriteConfig at f7e0969c, savemode SaveNormal, writetype ToFile
Configuration has been saved. Reboot now (yes or no)? no (enter to 'yes' to reboot system immediately)
Thanks intrigrant

just what I need.

I have a serial cable on order only have 9 pins one here :(

hopefully Monday I will be able to get things moving :)

thanks again
IP403 units are fairly old
the msgs given may be giving the IP address in hexadecomal which will require a little bit more work to calculate

another option yu have with the serial connection is to default the unit

Press escape when powering up to enter the boot loader
the issue the following commands


reboot th unit & it will have a default cfg

IP address & DHCP server enabled.

Be carfull in the boot loader as it is possible to erase the operating firmware (DO NOT send AT-X )
there are a couple of FAQ's on recovering a unit should this happen but you probably want to avoid that for now (good practice later once you are comfortable)

The 2 best peiceds of advise that can be given hre are:-

1) try to get some training if possible (your unit is extreamly out of date but it would still be usefull)
2) Use the F1 key for help Anytime you do not know what an option does.

Do things on the cheap & it will cost you dear

OK, I got a usb to serial with 25pin adapter.

Connected to the unit, and press esc does not bring up any details.

I have removed the power from the unit and powered it back up while pressing esc.

still noting show

I have tired this using putty and hyper terminal

any ideas?

Use it as a step-up in the kitchen, will make the wife happy. Possibly the only person left to be happy with it.
Plug your laptop to the front of the IP403

Make sure you use a Xover cable or use the uplink port, suitably set

Then fire up wireshark, make some calls

Filter the capture to show broadcast

Source address will be the IP office address. Chances are that it will be configured with a 24 bit mask (

Take Care

I have always wished that my computer would be as easy to use as my telephone.
My wish has come true. I no longer know how to use my telephone.
thanks mattknight.

I got the ip address of it now, (

how can I reset this thing.

when using manager it ask for a password (not known)

and I cant connect by serial connection

I am open to any ideas

>Chances are that it will be configured with a 24 bit mask (

probably won't be.... (more likely a

You need a copy of delta server on the admin CD and a copy of Snadboy

Sadly, being up to my a**e in alligators, I don't have any more time

Take Care

I have always wished that my computer would be as easy to use as my telephone.
My wish has come true. I no longer know how to use my telephone.
hi matt

I have both of those program but not the knowledge to do it!
The serial connection should connect @ 38400 baud & is still your easies way to default an unknown system

Snadboy will be of n use without a copy of the CFG file to open up off line in manager

there is another programm IPOpass that will provide the system password provided you have a network connection to the unit.

Do things on the cheap & it will cost you dear
If you can reach the IPO it should be possible to get the config via TFTP.

tftp -i <ipaddress> get "config" c:\temp\config.cfg

I am able to ping the unit.

I tried the tftp.exe -I get "config" c:\temp\config.cfg

but I get a error
Error occurred during the file transfer (Error code = 1):

where can you get that IPOpass program, is it on the admin cd, as I cant find it

Install DeltaServer and connect the software to IP Office, it will retrieve the config without password and store it in the DeltaServer directory.
This can be opened offline in Manager and with a program to reveil passwords behind asterisks you can read the system password and open it with Manager.
well it is being a long day, I have a chest infection, and I want to do this like I want to get shot!

that deltaserver does not save the cgf file unless you start it from a admin command prompt

I been able to get the config file, how to I view this to get the password?

ho ho

you will all be pleased to know I have worked out the password to this flipping thing now.

thank everyone for all of your help and time.

now just need to set it all back up again :)
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