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Avaya 5.2 system parameters maintenance/INADS

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May 2, 2011
How are INAD ports programmed in a 5.2? I was fully expecting the system parameters to show

Customer Access to INADS Port? y

But below is what I got when I pulled system parameters maintenance. Thought this was only for 6.0 systems and newer.


CPE Alarm Activation Level: none

Start Time: 22 : 00
Stop Time: 06 : 00
Save Translation: daily
Update LSP and ESS Servers When Saving Translations: y
Command Time-out (minutes): 120
Control Channel Interchange: no
System Clocks/IPSI Interchange: no

Reset System SAT Command Warning Message? n


TTRs: 4 CPTRs: 1 Call Classifier Ports: 0
MMIs: 0 VCs: 0

Test Type 100: Test Type 102:
Test Type 105:

ISDN-PRI Test Call Extension:

DS0 Loop-Around Test Call Extension:
MF Test Call Extension:


Enable Translation Audit? y
Display Warning When Detected? n
Alarm When Detected? n
Block Save Translation When Detected? n

change system maintenance and then set the alarm activation level to minor or major
So if I did that, the option to enable Customer Access to INADS Port will show?
also you will need to tell it the telephone numbers to call when alarmed
Hardware Platform?
Modem is normally setup with ip address and enabled via the web browser connection to the server.

RAS logins administered in CM for CM 3 and earlier. WebBrowser or linux CLI for
CM 4 and up to CM 5. Modems are not supported for CM 6 and higher.

Different servers use different connection methods for the inads modem.
SAMP = Server Availability Management Processor (S8500B/C)
MPC  = Media Server Maintenance Processor Complex (S8400)

s8400, s8500, s8510 use usb modems on MPC or SAMP - also may require MPC and
SAMP FW to support different modem types.

s87xx, s8300, s8800 use usb modem on the server

almcall -f 18005353573 (using 1FB)
almcall -s 918005353573 (using pbx station, not recommended)
almenable -d f
almenable -d n
almenable -d b
almnotif -r y (restart notification)
almnotif -r n (restart notification, set to n for LSP and ESS)
almnotif -c y (clear alarm notification)

testmodem -t reset_usb

at now +2 minutes <CR> testinads (Then Control D) then logoff
/sbin/lsusb (shows modem type using usb server port)
sampcmd cat /var/log/mdmstat - (SAMP/MPC modem status)

cat /etc/ppp/ipaddrs
grep ss_ /etc/opt/ecs/rmb/rmbsamp.xml

samp_ppp_config -q (cm3 and > show samp modem ip_address in rmbsamp.xml)
samp_ppp_config -i (cm3 and > set samp modem ip_address)

(root and sroot logins only)
/sbin/sampmodctl -v (modem status of SAMP - should be Control Mode: 0 automatic)
/sbin/sampmodctl --help
/sbin/sampmodctl -once
/sbin/sampmodctl -respawn  (restarts mgetty on SAMP)
/sbin/sampmodctl -stat

(sroot login only) - modem status: modserv -v
(sroot login only) - modem status: modserv -restore
(sroot login only) - modem status: modserv --help
(sroot login only) - turns on modem to answer: modserv -respawn

Command: set options (Avaya "init" login needed)

cmuseradd remote ravaya
cmpasswd ravaya
rmbuseradd -Py ravaya (add samp user PPP login avaya)
rmbuseradd -Py rdadmin (add samp user PPP login rdadmin)
rmbuseradd -Py remote (add samp user PPP login remote)
rmbpasswd ravaya     (modify samp user password ravaya)
rmbpasswd craft     (modify samp user password craft)
rmbpasswd rdadmin    (modify samp user password rdadmin)
rmbpasswd rasaccess (modify samp password rasaccess) controlled by .pwd authfile

avaya@S8300> almcall

First OSS Number:  18003453293
Alarm Abbreviation on First Number: y

Second OSS Number:
Alarm Abbreviation on Second Number: y

Alarm Abbreviation Timer: 4
Interval between Retries: 7

avaya@S8300> almenable

Incoming Call: enable
Dial Out Alarm Origination: first
SNMP Alarm Origination:     n

avaya@S8300> almnotif

Restart Notification:      y
Clear Alarm Notification:  y       Suspension Threshold: 5

avaya@S8300> /sbin/lsusb
Bus 003 Device 001: ID 0000:0000
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 0000:0000
Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0baf:0304 U.S. Robotics
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0bda:0151 Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 0000:0000

[root@s8500 root]# sampmodctl -v
Sensor Event State: 8 (modem not present or not powered on)
Control Mode:       1 (manual)
Control Value:      0

[root@s8500 root]# sampmodctl -v
Sensor Event State: 1 (modem active with incoming call)
Control Mode:       0 (automatic)
Control Value:      0
[root@s8500 root]# /opt/ecs/rmb/samp/sampcmd cat /var/log/mdmstat
Modem /dev/usb/acm/0: Status=0, fd=0
Socket 1: Listening,, ka=0, lc=1464122528(1026)
PPP Configured: yes
Answering: yes
Outdial Active: no
Indial Active: yes
PPPD running: yes
Device Present: yes
Status Byte: 1

root@s8500> modserv -v
Modem access is administered for incoming calls.
The modem is active on an incoming call.

root@s8500> /bin/grep ss_ /etc/opt/ecs/rmb/rmbsamp.xml
                <address_type>inet static</address_type>
                <address_type>inet dhcp</address_type>
                <address_type>inet static</address_type>
root@s8500> /bin/cat /etc/ppp/ipaddrs
set options                                                     Page   1 of  22
                               ALARM REPORTING OPTIONS

                                                      Major   Minor
                                On-board Station Alarms: w    w
                               Off-board Station Alarms: w    w
                  On-board Trunk Alarms (Alarm Group 1): y    y
                 Off-board Trunk Alarms (Alarm Group 1): w    w
                  On-board Trunk Alarms (Alarm Group 2): w    w
                 Off-board Trunk Alarms (Alarm Group 2): w    w
                  On-board Trunk Alarms (Alarm Group 3): w    w
                 Off-board Trunk Alarms (Alarm Group 3): w    w
                  On-board Trunk Alarms (Alarm Group 4): w    w
                 Off-board Trunk Alarms (Alarm Group 4): w    w
                           On-board Adjunct Link Alarms: w    w
                          Off-board Adjunct Link Alarms: w    w
                             Off-board MASI Link Alarms:      w
                                   Off-board DS1 Alarms: w    w

                           Off-board TCP/IP Link Alarms: w    w
                               Off-board Alarms (Other): w    w
                           Off-board ATM Network Alarms:      w
set options                                                     Page   2 of  22
                               ALARM REPORTING OPTIONS

                                                      Major   Minor
                     Off-board Firmware Download Alarms:      w
                       Off-board Signaling Group Alarms:      w
                                      Remote Max Alarms:      w
                                       CLAN Ping Alarms:      w
set options                                                     Page   3 of  22
                         TRUNK GROUP ALARM OPTIONS
                                (Alarm Group)

01: 1   11: 1   21: 1   31: 1   41: 1   51: 1   61: 1   71: 1   81: 1   91: 1
02: 1   12: 1   22: 1   32: 1   42: 1   52: 1   62: 1   72: 1   82: 1   92: 1
03: 1   13: 1   23: 1   33: 1   43: 1   53: 1   63: 1   73: 1   83: 1   93: 1
04: 1   14: 1   24: 1   34: 1   44: 1   54: 1   64: 1   74: 1   84: 1   94: 1
05: 1   15: 1   25: 1   35: 1   45: 1   55: 1   65: 1   75: 1   85: 1   95: 1
06: 1   16: 1   26: 1   36: 1   46: 1   56: 1   66: 1   76: 1   86: 1   96: 1
07: 1   17: 1   27: 1   37: 1   47: 1   57: 1   67: 1   77: 1   87: 1   97: 1
08: 1   18: 1   28: 1   38: 1   48: 1   58: 1   68: 1   78: 1   88: 1   98: 1
09: 1   19: 1   29: 1   39: 1   49: 1   59: 1   69: 1   79: 1   89: 1   99: 1
10: 1   20: 1   30: 1   40: 1   50: 1   60: 1   70: 1   80: 1   90: 1   100: 1

A great teacher, does not provide answers, but methods to teach others "How and where to find the answers"


40 years Bell, AT&T, Lucent, Avaya
Tier 3 for 30 years and counting
[URL unfurl="true"]http://bshtele.com[/url]
sorry forgot you have a 5.2 so Avayatier3 advise is the way to go, is it Friday yet?
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