I have a customer with a bcm400 running acd software. All phones are IP phones. They need an aux bell to ring on ext 242. The aux bell I have is a standard analog unit. I came off of an analog port and made the bell ext 427. I could not assign an answer dn key because there are not buttons on an analog set. I performed a dn swap and made the bell ext 242 and the phone ext 427, I then put an answer dn key of 242 on ext 427. Now the bell rings when the phone rings. Here comes the hard part. The ACD programming. From what I have discovered, overflow is sent to agent 17. Agent 17 logs in on what is now ext 427. Because the call is being sent to agent 17 and not ext 427 my bell does not ring. I thought my bell would ring whenever ext 427 rang but that is not the case.
My question: can I assign aux ringer "Y" to an ip phone and if so what pair is the aux port on the 66 block, and will an analog bell work on that port?
My brain is tied in a knot on this one as I do not have very much experience with ACD.
Thanks in advance for any guidance.
I only have time to do it right.
I don't have time to do it twice!
My question: can I assign aux ringer "Y" to an ip phone and if so what pair is the aux port on the 66 block, and will an analog bell work on that port?
My brain is tied in a knot on this one as I do not have very much experience with ACD.
Thanks in advance for any guidance.
I only have time to do it right.
I don't have time to do it twice!